Transforming Healthcare: Comunet’s Electronic Prescription Solutions

For organisations and businesses whose accounts teams still handle petty cash and use manual reimbursement processes. having effective systems in place is critical to reducing operational inefficiencies, resulting in positive budgetary outcomes. Comunet has designed and developed its own Expense Reimbursement System using Teams, SharePoint, Plumsail Forms and Power Automate to digitise the expense reimbursement process from start to finish.

Comunet Case Study: Expense Reimbursement System for Accounts Teams

For organisations and businesses whose accounts teams still handle petty cash and use manual reimbursement processes. having effective systems in place is critical to reducing operational inefficiencies, resulting in positive budgetary outcomes. Comunet has designed and developed its own Expense Reimbursement System using Teams, SharePoint, Plumsail Forms and Power Automate to digitise the expense reimbursement process from start to finish.

The Software Development Life Cycle

If you’ve not worked on a software development project, or with a software development team, it can seem a little daunting at first. We’ve outlined our software development life cycle process (sdlc), however, we customise this for clients as needed. For example, to a more agile approach. We find that this approach allows us to best understand the needs of your business, gather feedback often, and early, and focus on changes that will drive the business outcomes you’re looking for. Our team is here to support you through each of these steps, in any way that we can.

What is a Business Analyst and what do they do?

We sat down with our resident Business Analyst Bridie, to discuss What is a Business Analyst and what do they do? Bridie is a veteran in the industry and gave us some insight around her role, how she does things and the cool things she gets to work on.

Off the Shelf vs Custom Software – 7 Things to Consider

If you’ve identified the need for some software to help you improve your processes, increase efficiencies or enhance your customers’ experiences, one of the first questions you’ll probably ask yourself is ‘is there something already out there that will fit the bill?’