Businesses’ love affair with data sits on an ever-changing pendulum – it seems to go hot, then cold, then back again with every change in technology and the next best offering.
Author: Damien Coyle
Analytics vs BI vs Data Science vs Machine Learning
Businesses’ love affair with data sits on an ever-changing pendulum – it seems to go hot, then cold, then back again with every change in technology and the next best offering.
The Value of Data
Businesses’ love affair with data sits on an ever-changing pendulum – it seems to go hot, then cold, then back again with every change in technology and the next best offering.
Passwords are not enough – why you need Multi Factor Authentication
I recently bought our CEO Alexei a funny stubby holder that read “I drink because your password is “password”. He laughed, we all had a good time. Thing is, this is the reality. This is what keeps him awake at night. Businesses not taking security seriously.
Building innovation culture
Comunet are now 3 years into establishing our innovation program and have just completed our 2nd all-of-staff innovation hackathon “One Team Challenge”. On the journey there have been hits and misses, but overwhelmingly positive outcomes that are now being realised across the business. Here are 6 lessons learnt from our experiences in building a stronger innovation culture.
Getting out of the swamp: Accelerated Data Lake on AWS
Storing data in a lake versus a traditional database is a pretty easy transition to make, but what is often forgotten is that similar to a traditional database, there are good (or Best) practices, and some very bad practices that can quickly come back to haunt you.