Embracing the Modern Workplace

In today’s dynamic business landscape, there are endless tools and software programs designed to increase productivity and efficiency. From project management to communication apps, on average, businesses often find themselves juggling 15 – 30 tools, each with their own complexity and subscription fees.

At Comunet, we understand the challenges businesses face in navigating this array of tools and managing multiple programs. With the abundance of options available, businesses often miss and overlook the comprehensive solutions offered by Microsoft Teams under a single licence fee.

What is Microsoft Teams?

While businesses typically leverage Microsoft 365 licenses for essential workplace tools such as Outlook, Microsoft Suite (Word, PowerPoint, etc.), and OneDrive, one gem often overlooked within the Microsoft platform is Microsoft Teams. This powerful collaboration platform serves as a central hub for communication, collaboration, and productivity enhancements.

Microsoft Teams stands as the ultimate messaging app for organisations, providing a workspace for real-time collaboration, communication, meetings, file and app sharing, and even the occasional emoji – all conveniently accessible in one location for every team member.

Common Microsoft Team Features Used in the Workplace:

  • Chat feature: Allows instant messaging between colleagues, or team groups. Teams Chat has become a platform for casual internal conversation, welcoming the humorous side with emojis and gifs. 

  • Meetings: With the introduction of remote working due to the COVID era, virtual meetings have become indispensable. The introduction of flexible working trends changed the culture that team members and clients are no longer required to meet face-to-face to attend meetings. Microsoft Teams seamlessly integrates with Outlook, offering video calling, screen sharing, and collaborative whiteboarding features.

  • Calls: Allows team members to connect effortlessly without the need to dial a number. A service Comunet provides for businesses is removing the traditional phone system and implementing a new a digital communication system via Team Callings. Read about a recent installation of digital communication system project.

  • Files: Simplifies the access to shared files between team members, with Teams seamlessly connecting with SharePoint to improve collaboration and manage documents efficiently.

    Comunet Outsourced IT services provide business agility


Unlocking Business Potential with Microsoft Teams

Beyond the fundamental team communication features, Microsoft Teams offers additional functionalities to drive productivity and efficiency:

  • Transform workplace collaboration: Consolidate all Teams into a central hub for improved productivity. Interestingly, research studies have shown that the average person takes 23 minutes to recover from a distraction.

  • Streamline business processes: Seamlessly integrate apps and services your organisation already uses into Microsoft Teams, include your tailor-made tools, and complete all tasks from a single platform. At Comunet, we have integrated our internal approval processes into Teams; learn more about it.

  • Connect with everyone: No matter whether you are a small business or a global organisation, Microsoft Teams is accessible to all employees in all departments and employee positions. 

  • Flexible for all industries: Microsoft Teams can be used for all industries and has the flexibility to work with dedicated engineering teams to customise your business’s Teams platform to suit your business needs.

  • Enterprise grade security and compliance: Integrated with Microsoft 365 licencing, Teams provides data security, compliance, and governance essential for businesses of all sizes.

  • Bookings and calendar management: Simplify meeting scheduling and client interactions with Microsoft Team’s Calendar Management; an app that seamlessly integrates with Outlook for automated scheduling and appointment management. 

  • Shared data and files in SharePoint: Leveraging SharePoint integration, Microsoft Teams offers secure and collaborative file management. Employees can enhance productivity and knowledge sharing by being able to share files across all Office 365 apps and devices. For IT and developers, they will find familiar features; built-in security consistent across Office 365, including DLP, conditional access, ATP, ransomware recovery with Files Restore, and more.

  • Microsoft Flow and automate: Automate business processes across apps and services with Microsoft Flow, simplifying tasks and enabling AI-powered decision-making.

  • Power BI: Drive informed decisions with Power BI, a business analytics tool within Microsoft Power Platform, which transforms data into actionable insights.

By leveraging Microsoft Teams from the Office 365 licence, businesses can streamline operations and unlock new levels of productivity and efficiency.

Microsoft Teams is more than an instant messaging and virtual meetings platform; it offers an array of features that facilitate seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their location and time zone.

Comunet has not only integrated our internal tools into Microsoft Teams, we have also recently assisted a South Australian organisation incorporate a digital communication system via Microsoft Teams.

There is so much your business can unlock and our team at Comunet can help implement it. 

Get in touch with us today to learn how your business can leverage Microsoft Teams.